
Sunday, October 23, 2011

Wow! I don't care if each and every one of you 19 new followers clicked follow simply in an attempt to secure a label maker of your own, I still felt the love after my desperate plea for more followers. I had a lot of fun over the past few days watching my numbers grow and reading each of your comments. I appreciate the fact that no one called me out on the nonsensical-ness of my competitive nature that lead to the contest but, instead, gave me props for my honesty!
Ten years ago I attended the wedding of a best girlfriend... known her since we were in seventh grade, lived together all through college, and shared way too many laughs to recall.

When she tossed her bouquet, it landed square in my hands, at which point her dad-never one to care too much about impressions-cupped his hand around his mouth as if her were at a wrestling match and began shouting, 'Rigged! Rigged!' Well, if he were a follower of my blog, he may be shouting that same word again today. With four entries (new follower herself, posted on FaceBook, and brought two new followers along), Holly Lemly is the winner of the GRAND PRIZE! Pookie was excited to pull Aunt Lala's name from the bowl of contestants, and I'm excited to ship her this and this and this!
Holly, I hope you love each Favorite Thing as much as I do, and thanks so much to all my new followers. I will do my best to keep you entertained!

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