The short car ride to the mall was filled with the girls blasting the Frozen soundtrack and taking turns playing the roles of Elsa and Anna in each song. Once we arrived at our destination, Carter made a beeline for the ice-cream shop (a scoop of cookie dough on a chocolate dipped waffle cone was her treat of choice), and Murph, Wrighty Pie, and I decided on our favorite cookies. M&M for Murphy, two chocolate chip cookies with icing in the middle for me - hey, go big or go home, right? - and Wright trusted our judgment and went for a sugar cookie with glitter sprinkles.
Sole pic of baby girl from our adventure.
{Uh, Mom, next time we head out on one of your trips,
could you please change me out of my jammers? Geez...}
Carter, may I have a yick?
Sure, MurMur.
These two were the epitome of BFFs all afternoon.
I said a lick, not the whole thing!
Once we'd devoured our treats, and ruined any chance of either little girlie eating any dinner, the girls begged to go throw pennies in the fountain. Since we were just killing time anyway, I agreed, but I had to make them work for it. I asked each of them to tell me their version of MLK's legacy. Carter actually gave serious oration and informed me that she was 'giving a speech in Washington, DC.' Murphy's rendition involved several interesting dance moves.
Droppin' Coin and Makin' wishes.
Once we were all out of pennies (plus one nickel a piece), we started walking back towards the exit, but not before the girls took some time to browse a kiosk that caught their eyes.
Scoping out the phone cases.
Ya know, for the phones they'll get in ten years...
Carter continued talking about the cases for the rest of the evening, even planning how she'll go about saving up for one. We tried suggesting she may first want to get a phone, but she did not find that idea intriguing. Right next to the phone case shop on kiosk row was a hair curling-styling-thing. As we passed, or attempted to pass rather, the worker scooped Carter up and said, 'You're going to be my model!' Now, in normal circumstances, were a stranger even touch my child, I would likely become a tad upset. The squeal of delight that came from Carter's mouth as the stranger pulled out my girl's braids and got to curling, told me to just let this one go.
Middle of the mall mane treatment.
I want curls, too! Right, Carter?
(Murphy adds 'Right, Carter?' to the end of many statements to her big sis.)
Precious. Beyond. Words.
Despite both girls' enthusiastic responses to their new dos, I did manage to escape the kiosk without making a purchase.
Looking grown.
It wasn't long before another kiosk grabbed their attention.
Browsing the Angel Dear lovies.
Just in case Lambie or Mousey or Hippo needs a companion.
I then asked them if they'd mind accompanying me into the only store I had actually hoped to run-in during our trip: SEPHORA. My hands were full during our time in the store, managing the stroller and trying to find what I needed, so I wasn't able to snap any pics. Hear me, though, these girls are girly. Girly, girly, girly. They garnered a whole lot of attention with their fancy curls and darling demeanor, and I rewarded their good behavior (not breaking or touching anything) with the application of a yipschtick of their choosing before we left. These two were in heaven. Heaven.
As we left Sephora, I had no intention of making any more stops before heading home. Of course, I had no idea that another enthusiastic kiosk worker would insist on decorating the girls' nails with nail stamps.
A bow, a flower, a mermaid, a kitty cat, and dots adorned Carter's nails.
While Murphy was getting a couple fingers stamped (the worker became a little less enthused when she found out Mama wouldn't be making a purchase), Carter wandered to the kiosk next door for some additional adorning.
Murphy was thrilled at the chance to don a tiara, too.
At this point, we really really did need to go. The girlies skipped out of the mall together chattering on and on about this being the best day of their lives. 'Well, maybe not as great as Christmas...' Carter reconsidered. I had no clue that my stir-craziness combined with a selfish desire for a fountain Mr. Pibb and a sweet treat would lead to such a fun afternoon for these cutie pies.
Also? On days like these
I LOVE being a mom to a whole gaggle o' girls,
and I really wish I had a sister.
your girls are beautiful! A great curling iron for them and you is the karmin g3 clipless... check it out!