Now for the Non-Things

Friday, April 15, 2011

After my last post, I got to thinking... if folks I don't actually know in real life take a peek at my bloggity blog, they may think that I care an awful lot about material things. And, though I really do enjoy coming across new stuff that makes my life a tad easier or a bit more fun, my most beloved things aren't really things at all. They are the non-tangibles that make my life a life.

Here you have my Favorite Non-Thing, Things, of 2011, Q1...
  1. Girl Talks... now and again, a girl just needs another girl... to vent to, to laugh with, and to take walks down memory lane and make predictions about the future. In the early months of this year, I've had many chances to do just that with girlfriends old and new.  I sat in a bookstore and caught up with my best friend from high shchool while our kids ran wild and ransacked the store. I enjoyed an afternoon chat on the back porch of my best friend from college while our kids had a ball just getting to know each other. I sat by a cozy fireplace in Beaver Creek catching up with an expectant first time mom from Dallas and giving her my best tips for the months that lie ahead. From phone calls across the country to visits in my own backyard to a booth at Chick-fil-a, I have loved time spent with all the great gals in my life!
  2. Laughing at/with Pookie... I get it. Every parent thinks his/her kid is funny. But, in my case, I think that my child is the funniest human being on the face of the planet. She makes me laugh. Every. Single. Day. Of course, there are far too many hilarious quips to share, but two in particular do stand out. Mommy: "Carter, I need to talk to you about why you were naughty to Daddy in the bathtub last night." Carter: "I don't want to talk about it. I won't do it again. I'm sorry," followed by a BIG hug and kiss. The kid is learning brevity, and that's something I can appreciate! On one of our first warm days this season, Pooks was playing out in the backyard when she realized that she needed to go potty. She ran inside, got her froggy potty, and carried it to the backyard. She sat down on it, and then promptly asked me for "a little privacy." The idea that she wanted privacy despite being in the middle of the backyard completely cracked me up. 
  3. Loving on My Littlest Love... my Murphy Girl is what you might call a 'lap baby'. What can I say; the kid wants to be held! Every now and again, it does get difficult when I'm trying to do something, like make dinner or use the bathroom for example, but overall I just love having a snuggle bunny for a baby! There is no greater feeling than when she takes a pause from nursing to look up at me with her bright eyes, sweet smile, and precious little squeal. On hectic days, I try to remember that plenty of times lie ahead in which she will not want to be cuddled in Mommy's arms. Murphy melts my heart in an indescribable way!
  4. Grown-up Time with My Honey... despite the fact that we have two dogs, two small children, and one busy life, Hubby and I manage to get a fair amount of alone time in. We escaped to the mountains for a weekend (Murphy Girl did tag along, but having just one kiddo in the backseat feels like a real treat!), tried out a couple new restaurants (Fruition was delish!), and snuck in a weekday lunch date. Without question, celebrating our five year wedding anniversary on March 25 was the sweetest thing! As a present for my hubby, I made a 'mix tape' of all of the songs that remind me of 'us'. Putting it together was such a beautiful, nostalgic trip down memory lane. (As an aside, I-tunes makes such a gesture much easier than it was circa 1993!)
  5. This... since my first entry on New Year's Eve, blogging has become such a wonderful, creative outlet for me. I enjoy thinking about my next blog, mapping it out, and then getting my thoughts into print. I have always enjoyed writing, and it feels so good to be doing it again. I also like the fact that I have cut myself a little slack by trying not to obsess about perfect grammar or even consider what others will think of what they are reading. As I hoped it would be, I love that The Salad Days is mine. All mine. 
Without a doubt, my Favorite Non-Thing, Things provide me with an infinite amount of joy and fulfillment that no thing ever could. 


  1. I love you and your writing honey!!

  2. I love your non-things, but your "things" post inspired me to give in to my craving and get some topsiders -- so thank you!! I love them!

  3. aren't they the BEST, caryn? i wear mine every single day.


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