The Sweetest Things, 2014, Q1

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Unbelievably we're already three weeks into the second quarter of 2014. Along with each week's day to day madness, my mind has been spinning with spring events, a sixth birthday party extravaganza (despite my best efforts at having a not-so-extravaganza), and all things new house. I can think of few better things on this peaceful Easter afternoon, as I've slipped out during nap time, than to stop and reflect on all the good things that life has offered.
Please enjoy my reflections of The Sweetest Things of 2014, Q1,
  1. Post-Holiday Purging...despite our best efforts at not spoiling or over-gifting during the holidays, our house was busting at its seams with stuff in the days that followed the Christmas season. A key difference in girl toys and boy toys, I've observed, is that a single boy toy tends to be just that: a single toy. Whereas, a single girl toy, say, a pony, consists of umpteen various pieces. {EXAMPLE: There's the pony. And then there's pony's pet bunny. The pony's food bowl. Her three apples. Her six hair bows. Her brush. Her saddle. Her comb. Her four slippers...} Therefore, the addition of a 'single' toy can, in fact, mean the addition of about twenty new items to our home.  So, as the trees and the stockings and the lights came down, I began the post-holiday purge. My first stop was our art closet where I tossed dried up markers and broken crayons and ripped coloring books and half done craft projects. 
    Another casualty?
    These 357 containers of Play-doh. Each one a lovely shade of brown.
    I moved on to the playroom where I collected bags of previously loved stuffed animals and tired-of toys. 
    Wrighty seemed a little freaked out by the pscyo 
    cleaning-like-a-mad-woman frenzy going on around her.
    Carter and Murphy were willing participants in the purge and understood that it's nice to pass on our toys to other children who aren't as fortunate as we are. 
    Some fruits of my labor all ready to donate.
    Once all my major purging was done, I moved on to do some serious deep cleaning as well. One thing that got a lot of attention were the girls' car seats. As embarrassing as it is to admit, I'd never actually cleaned these babies so thoroughly. But, when I singlehandedly transformed them from this...
    to this...
    Looked brand new!
    I was as giddy as a little girl.
    Fewer things make me happier or give me a greater sense of accomplishment than this type of 'manual' labor. I've done a decent job since January of keeping the clutter under control and am now in the midst of a major pre-move spring-clean. 
  2. Snow Days...winter in Charlotte this year has been, well, winter-y. I didn't realize how quickly I'd become accustomed to snow after living five years in Denver,  or how quickly I'd forgotten how snow is handled in the south. Life pretty much comes to a screeching halt at the first signs of any of the the white stuff. The first round of wintery weather that shut down schools looked like this.
    Even though there was more grass visible than snow, 
    the girls were still insistent on venturing out for a sledding adventure.
    The snow days that resulted from this 'storm' left me frazzled and itching for the kids to get back into their routine. Then, a couple weeks later, when a more serious storm was being forecasted, I decided to go into it ready.
     Snow day activities and meals. Check.
    As I was driving to pick up the big girls from their early dismissals on the Tuesday that would be the last day they'd attend school that week, my mom called and asked if Baby Wright would like to come and get snowed in at her house. Let's just say she didn't have to twist my arm for a YES! What a treat for the big girls and me! This generous offer left me even more excited about the days that laid ahead - especially the sledding. Sure enough, this second storm did produce a more legitimate punch.
    A beauty to behold.
    Spoiled my girls with room service for breakfast.
    Sweet snow bunnies.
    Nothing better than a bubble bath to warm up.
    I really did enjoy those days of being 'trapped' in the house with the girls. They played well together both inside and out, and I took a more relaxed approach to cooking without my little destructo at my ankles. We sipped hot cocoa - Mommy's with a splash a Smirnoff Marshmallow (YUM-MY) - and made Valentine's for their classmates. 
    Carter took her work quite seriously.
    Murphy was happy to pass the labor off to Mom.
    Throughout the week, we kept an air mattress inflated on the living room floor. The girls loved getting cozy to watch movies (Do you wanna build a snowman...) and snuggle. 
    I would have NEVER thought that an unexpected week off from school would have been one of my favorite times of the year thus far, but it truly created some of the most special memories to date.
  3. Mornings with the Munchkin...four mornings week, from 9:00-1:00, it's just my Wrighty and me, doing our thing. Much of that time is filled with household chores and laundry and errands, but I've been mindful to be sure to set aside time just for us. As she's my number three, I'm so SO aware of how quickly this time will pass, and I truly want to soak it all in. I try to drop whatever I'm doing anytime she tugs on my leg with a board book in hand.

    Books are kind of her thing.
    She loves them.
    A lot.
    (And, her face is always dirty because she does not, however, love spoons.)
    Also? Making messes from items that are not toys.
    That's her other thing.
    Over the past few months, I've spent many mornings sitting in the middle of the kitchen floor reading book after book to my sweet baby girl realizing that one day sooner than I'd like she won't want to snuggle with her mommy so much. Some mornings we venture out for breakfast dates together.
    My favorite chocolate croissant-sharing bear.
    She's just about the goofiest thing I've ever encountered, 
    and her toothy grin gets me every time. 
    Looking way too big.
    Once Murphy gets home followed by Carter a couple hours later, the whole dynamic of the house changes, and that's ok. But those mornings that just she and I share, those are ours. Those I treasure.
  4. Carter's Character...these past few months have shown glimpses into the heart of my biggest girl that have made my heart smile. Big. She's continued to be a the best helper I could ask for whether it be with small household chores or with looking out for her little sisters. She's quick to run and offer hugs and love if either of them gets hurt or just needs attention, and no one can make her giggle the way that Murphy can.
    Sister tickles.
    The kid's a hugger.
    She has a soft spot for those who are hurting and was even upset by scenes of bullying in The Lego Movie. She's got a determined spirit that has lead her to mastery of both in and out of the classroom activities. She decided that my staying during her gymnastics class is a distraction and asked me to leave and only return when class is over. I love the maturity in her decision making - especially since all the moms stay, and she's the youngest gymnast in the class.
    Scrappy lil climber.
    Reached the tip-top in no time.
    Post-class candy store trip.
    My favorite example of the peek into my Pookie's character though has to be the incident of the underpants and the school bus. One afternoon after she got home from school, she told me that she needed to tell me something. It took her awhile to get it out, but she finally told me that she'd shown her underpants to some other girls on the school bus. She told me that three other girls did it, too, which I verified by having her describe their underpants. (Hey, at least she wasn't the only one.) I told her I was so proud of her for telling me the truth and that I'd like her to write three sentences about why she shouldn't do this again. Here is what she wrote.
    For those who don't speak kindergarten, it says:
    It is privacy. It's not funny. We're not supposed to.
    I'm sorry!!!
    I was so, so proud of her for telling me something that I would have never found out about any other way. She's always quick to tell me if she's done something naughty in the classroom, but in that case, there's a chance that the teacher could let me know. That's not the case with the bus. I loved that she told me and that she was then able to think through the reasons she should not repeat the behavior. 
    Carter Cottontail.
    She greets every day with enthusiasm and anxious anticipation, and for that I am grateful beyond words. She is my inspiration. 
  5. The Pop Princess...while Carter lulls herself to sleep at night by singing praise songs at the top of her lungs, Murphy prefers to sing along to top 40 pop. From Pharrell's Happy and Get Lucky {which she sings 'Get Yucky'} to Rihanna's Monster, she knows them all, and she loves belting them out. She doesn't seem to recognize that there's a time and place for this music, though, as recently upon picking her up from her class at church, her observation was, 'Well, our teacher got her hair cut, and we didn't sing Wrecking Ball...' Good, Murphy, let's try to keep church a twerk-free zone. In February, I got Murphy's haircut into a precious little bob which everyone complimented and adored. 
    Everyone, that is, except Murphy.
    She was so distraught about her hair being cut short and not being 'princessy' that she resorted to wearing a wig. 
    'I'll wear this till my hair grows yonger.'
    She actually wore this wig to school.
    I don't know how or why, but Miss Murphy cares very much about appearance and has her own idea of what she thinks looks good. One week this may be three headbands worn at one time; the next it may be a princess dress with rain boots. 
    For many days, it was nearly every bracelet I own.
    She doesn't really play as typical children do but finds her greatest joy in putting random items into bags and carrying them around. 
    Perusing a Nordstom catalog while watching Frozen totally makes her afternoon.
    She puts on lipstick before going to bed and prefers sleeping with shoes on than without. And, lest it seem she is completely lacking depth, I should add that she is the most loving, affectionate child imaginable. She can seldom make in through a meal without needing to stand up and give me a hug and a kiss. 
    New partnering in crime.
    I know that she loves those who she loves (and they are few) with all her being. She loves deliberately, and she loves deeply.

    And so concludes The Sweetest Things of the First Quarter of 2014. I had an additional item which would have explored a bit of the grown up world Lindsay and I have been living. But I could not possibly end this list with a #6. So, I'll just tease with a picture and a title.
    Day Dreaming...

1 comment:

  1. As I googled "Salad days blog..." trying to find a specific post of mine (my blog is also called 'Salad Days'!) I happened upon yours. Your kiddos are adorable (I also have 3 girls) and I laughed reading "She doesn't really play as typical children do but finds her greatest joy in putting random items into bags and carrying them around" because that describes my youngest to a T! I enjoyed reading another Salad Days!


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