My Favorite Things

Friday, December 31, 2010

I know it may seem a bit shallow to devote my entire second post to things. Surely I should talk about my non-tangible blessings such as health, happiness, love, peace, joy blah blah blah. There will be plenty of posts on those topics, I'm sure. However, I have to admit, there are many things that actually contribute to my general level of happiness, peace, and joy.

To ring in the New Year, I have decided to list my Ten Favorite Things of 2010.
  1. My Fushia Hunter Wellies... purchased at Nordstrom early in the year, these are the perfect boot to throw on over leggings on a snowy Denver day. I love the splash of color since most of what I wear is neutral.
  2. The In-Styler Hair Tool... purchased after watching an infomercial at my in-laws last Christmas. It has revolutionized my hair. Not kidding.
  3. Our New (rental) House... for the first three years we were in Denver, we lived in a house with lots of character that was built in the 1800's. While we have many sweet memories of the house, especially having our first child while living there, it was just not ideal for our growing family. The floors were uneven. The homeowner described the steep, narrow stairs leading to our attic master bedroom as a 'deathtrap.' The main level bathroom was IN the kitchen. Our new house is the perfect place for us for the next couple years... 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a playroom for the girls, and, best of all, a fabulous backyard!
  4. An Oreck XL Vacuum... my hubby's job involves buying and selling companies. For the first few years, it only involved buying. I always said that what I really wanted when the first company sold was an Oreck! I actually enjoy vacuuming now... sometimes :)
  5. The Sonic Drive-thru Happy Hour... our new house is right around the corner from a Sonic. Pookie and I would hit the drive-thru on our way home from the pool on toasty summer afternoons. There's no better deal than a half price slush or Cherry Coke. *I should add that very late in my pregnancy I began to crave 1/2 sweet 1/2 unsweet iced teas. At that point, the McDonald's drive-thru became one of my favorite things. 
  6. My Keurig Single-Cup Coffee Maker... after Little Bit came into our lives, this Mommy started needing LOTS of caffeine. What I hate about making coffee at home, however, is cleaning the coffee pot. The no-maintenance Keurig has been a dream come true! Pookie also likes her individual cups of hot cocoa with 'yots and yots' of marshmallows!
  7. The Baby Bjorn... this is the one item on my list that was not a new purchase this year; I had it when Carter was a bambino, too. However, my appreciation for the Bjorn grew exponentially when my sweet Murphy became colicy. The Bjorn saved my sanity as Murphy spent many, many hours contently strapped to my chest.
  8. A Phil & Ted's Explorer Stroller... before Murphy was born, I wasn't sure if I'd need/want a double stroller. Well, after one round of errands with both girls, I decided it was a MUST. I love the fact that it can be used as either a single or double stroller and is super easy to fold/unfold with just one hand. The Phil & Ted's actually makes me excited to go out and about with my girlies!
  9. Philosophy's Hope in a Jar... Denver is dry. Dry, dry dry. Since moving here, my hands and fingers crack, my legs are totally ashy, and my face peels each winter. Having been disappointed with every moisturizer I'd tried, I decided to give one of Oprah's Favorite Things a try. I am so glad I did! My skin drinks Hope in a Jar like an ice cold glass of water.
  10. The Flip... an early Christmas present for myself. I triple love this nifty gadget! I use it to record random things throughout the day. It's so easy and convenient. *I got my Flip at Costco, which would be next on my list if there were a #11.
So, is this post a bit trite? Sure. Trivial? You bet. 
But sometimes things are just worth sharing! 

1 comment:

  1. Love the blog Melissa! And I really want a Flip camera, I keep talking about getting one but never pull the trigger -- perhaps I will have to get to Costco for one!


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