Desperate Measures

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

There are many reasons I began this blog: I enjoy writing. I miss the creative outlet that writing provides. I occasionally like to use my brain for something other than remembering the words to the Olivia theme song or the appropriate ibuprofen dosage by weight or the names of all the My Little Ponies. I thought this particular time of my life would be unique to reflect on and look back on in future years. My husband encouraged me to do it. And, lastly, I write this blog because I want people to read it!
It's not like this is my sixth grade diary in which I used Paula Abdul lyrics to proclaim my eternal love for Tommy Watson (or Joey Baynes, depending on the month) which was only comparable to my proclamation of my eternal love for Super Mario Brothers 3. I kept that diary sealed with a heart shaped pad-lock and safely hidden inside a steel box that was only opened with a three digit code (not kidding.) I would have been mortified if anyone had dared to read what I perceived as the baring of my soul via sparkle pen.
The dirty little secret of the blog world is that we bloggers write because we want people (in my case, lots of people) to read our blogs. Now rather than being locked away for fear of the humiliation of exposure, I choose to bare my soul on the world wide web, thus allowing access to virtually any human being on the planet.
A few blogs back I casually mentioned that I have a slight hint of a competitive nature; though, in reality, I am fiercely competitive. My husband often avoids playing board games with me because, as he bluntly puts it, 'It's not fun.' When I worked as a counselor, our entire staff took assessments to identify our personality strengths, and I was the only one of the group to have competitiveness anywhere in my top ten, and for me it was number one. So, when a girlfriend of mine started her own blog after I started mine, and quickly dashed past me in 'followers,' my competitive streak took notice. Then, after consuming just a single Bellini at a girls' night dinner last week, I decided to accost her chat with her about the quick take-off of her blog. Turns out she went to a blog CLASS while she was attending a sewing expo (like the multi-talented, amazing woman needs any more talents), and she offered me a few tips (one of which is that everybody loves swag!) for gaining a little more traction for The Salad Days.
Though my stats show me that lots of people read my blog, very few of you are actual followers. So, for the sole purpose of boosting my fragile little ego, I am putting together a fun contest that will prove to be a win/win for us both. The Salad Days will garner more followers, AND its author will bestow upon my beloved readers a few of My Favorite Things. That's right: if you follow the steps below, you will be entered in a drawing to win one item from each of My Favorite Things lists from each quarter this year.  Here's the skinny on how to quality for the prize(s):

  • If you're already a follower (10 strong!), you'll automatically receive one entry.

  • To receive additional chances to win:

  • If you're a reader, but not an official follower, become one!

  • Comment on this blog or any previous one. (Though, you'll only get one more entry no matter how many comments you leave.)

  • Add a link to The Salad Days to your Facebook or Twitter (or MySpace if you're still living in 2006) telling your friends what you like about it.

  • If your friend becomes a follower, both of you will get an another prize entry. (Be sure the new followers let me know you sent them my way!)

  • This contest will run through Sunday, October 23 at noon (Denver time.) At that time, I (or quite likely my three year old) will draw a winner's name at random. (The maximum number of entries a person may receive is ten.) First thing Monday morning, I will ship the lucky winner three of My Favorite Things. I'm not going to make any promises, but I can pretty much guarantee that this will be in that package. 
    Good luck! 


    1. Been reading but now that I know being a follower is so important to you, I signed up as one :)

    2. I am commenting in a cheap attempt to get entries! I must support honest self-promotion in any form! (ok seriously I love your blog and think this is a hilariously genuine post and effort. But if Carter draws my name for some reason please sneeze her draw again as I would follow your blog even if there were no prizes involved.)

    3. Awesome idea Melissa! Thanks for voicing what all of us bloggers feel :)

    4. Okay, so I'm not exactly sure I need to leave a comment to secure my entries, but nonetheless:
      -I have been a follower since the beginning. That's right, almost a year, and have loved every. single. post. (Does brown-nosing get me extras?)
      -I've left you several comments, so that's another entry.
      -I love you. That is all.

    5. Your husband turned me on to your blog, and I really enjoy reading it. :)

    6. Excited to read your stuff. Holly Lemly sent me your way.

    7. I am now a follower! Holly Lemly sent me :)


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